Description: This is a rare and highly sought-after anime card featuring the beloved characters Hakufu Sonsaku, Gentoku Ryuubi, Shiryuu Chou'un, Nefertari Vivi, Phoenix, Box, Shimei Ryomou, Chuutatsu Shibai, Unchou Kan-u, Sonken Chuubou, and Housen Ryofu. The card is made of high-quality card stock and has a stunning foil finish that makes it a true collector's item. This card is part of the Anime Beauties set and is a Standard size card with a unique SSR rarity. It features stamped, collectors edition, altered/custom art, full art, and extended art. The card is manufactured by Williams and is a Japanese language product. It is perfect for fans of the Sailor Moon CCG game and collectors of all ages.
Price: 12 USD
Location: Marble Falls, Texas
End Time: 2024-11-06T20:47:12.000Z
Shipping Cost: 0 USD
Product Images
Item Specifics
All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Attribute/MTG:Color: Fighting
Card Size: Standard
Autographed: No
Set: Anime Beauties
Speciality: girl
Signed By:
Character: Phoenix, Nefertari Vivi, Box, Hakufu Sonsaku, Shimei Ryomou, Housen Ryofu, Gentoku Ryuubi, Shiryuu Chou'un, Chuutatsu Shibai, Sonken Chuubou, Unchou Kan-u
Creature/Monster Type: Human
Year Manufactured: 2022
Material: Card Stock
Age Level: 13+
Rarity: SSR
Game: Sailor Moon CCG
Language: Japanese
Card Name: Foil
Manufacturer: Williams
Features: Full Art, Stamped, Extended Art, Collectors Edition, Altered/Custom Art
Card Type: Foil
Finish: Foil